Does Your Life Lack Meaning?

Vera sought out counseling with me because her doctor advised her to discover the emotional causes of her chronic fatigue. Vera, a successful stockbroker, was in a loving 18-year marriage. On the surface, everything in her life was fine. She had enough money, friends, and a good relationship. Yet Vera awoke each morning battling fatigue and depression.

David sought my help because of chronic feelings of inner emptiness. David is very successful in his manufacturing business, has a good marriage and two adult children. Like Vera, everything seemed fine. Yet the feelings of inner emptiness drove David to overeat, overspend, and indulge in porno on the Internet.

While both Vera and David were successful in their careers, neither loved their work. They worked to make money, but their work had little meaning for them. Yet when they looked inside, neither could discover what did have meaning for them. Both reported that they had never experienced a sense of meaning in their adult lives, and that the emptiness and depression had been with them since adolescence.

As I worked with Vera and David, it became evident that each had made a decision early in their lives to shut down their feelings to avoid the deep pain of unbearable loneliness. Vera shut down because she was unable to tolerate the loneliness of her mother’s behavior toward her. Her mother would say she loved Vera, but Vera never felt her love. Instead, she felt her mother energetically pulling at her, trying to suck the life out of her. As a very sensitive child, Vera could not tolerate this confusing experience, so she put her feelings in a box and decided to live out of her head instead of her gut.

David, also a very sensitive child, shut down because he was unable to tolerate the loneliness of being with two emotionally unavailable empty parents, and the loneliness of rejection from peers.

As adults, both Vera and David were still shut down from their feelings. They were still afraid of feeling the pain of loneliness – a feeling that is actually an everyday fact of life. Loneliness is present when your heart is closed or another’s heart is closed, or when there is no one with whom to share love. Loneliness is the primary feeling when we want to connect with another and the other is unavailable. If you were completely open to your feelings, you would feel moments of loneliness throughout the day. However, most people never feel this feeling and are completely unaware of it, because the moment there is a twinge of emotional pain, they move instantly to various addictions and addictive behaviors, such as substances, activities, thoughts, shame and blame. Yet when we shut out pain, we also shut out joy and a passionate sense of purpose.

Pain and joy are in the same box. Vera and David could not discover what has meaning for them and what brings them joy while keeping a lid on their feelings. And the very act of keeping a lid on their feelings was creating their depression and inner emptiness.

Imagine that your feelings are a child within. If you ignore this child – by ignoring your feelings – this child feels abandoned. Our refusal to feel and take responsibility for our own pain is an inner abandonment and results in anxiety, depression, and/or inner emptiness.

It is our child within – our feeling self – that has the blueprint for what has meaning for us, for our passion and purpose. Each of us comes to this planet with a deep purpose to express, and when we don’t express this purpose, we end up feeling empty and depressed. Yet we cannot discover this purpose when we keep a lid on our feelings.

Learning to manage the pain of loneliness is essential to discovering your passion and purpose. There is no way of managing loneliness without a deep and personal connection to a spiritual source of love and wisdom. We cannot manage loneliness from our mind alone.

You will find deep meaning in your life when you decide to open to and learn from your feelings of loneliness rather than continue to shut them down. And you will open to these feelings only when you do not feel alone inside due to experiencing the love and wisdom of your spiritual Guidance. Opening to Divine Love and opening to your feelings will bring you the fullness, joy, passion and purpose that are the yearnings of your soul.

Acknowledging Emotions and Feelings

Acknowledging Emotions and Feelings

We’ll begin with a question:
What is a moral?
I’d say it’s something you have an intense feeling or emotion about, generally so intense you would never cross its boundary.
Have you ever crossed a moral boundary? It doesn’t feel good does it. But why? Morals are not a physical thing – i.e. They can’t be touched, purchased or photographed. They are an emotion manifested in a feeling; they manifest in the essence of your soul, which, in turn, is the very shape of your identity.
When you cross a moral boundary you go against a very strong emotion your soul has, and in doing this you are defying your own nature and it leaves you feeling terrible.
So, why did you cross that boundary? It’s simple — because you didn’t acknowledge the feelings which were of your own nature. Due to a lack of understanding of your own nature perhaps from a pressure imposed on you from your immediate surrounds.
How do I start to feel? It is simple. Start with a thought, not just any thought but an important thought. Try quietly, just for a few seconds observing your immediate feelings from a happening in your life; it can be simple or a life changing thing.
Acknowledge it by resolving that this is how you feel about this, but don’t stop there and close yourself off to it. Try to understand it, as it is a part of you and there for a reason — your soul may be trying to tell you something
Acknowledging your true feelings is more than just saying “Yes, I feel this way right now”. It’s about feeling the feeling and applying thought to it, and coming to a decision as to whether to act on it or not. Acknowledge your feelings in this way and it will lead to a relaxed composure not only of your body, but of your thoughts and mind too.
Why bother with any of this? Well, for one, acknowledging your feelings brings you into contact with the immortal part of your own nature — your soul. This is important as it is your soul that guides you and shapes the world directly around you.
Because of this, victims will always be victims; unsatisfied individuals will never be content and those who poison their own good days with imaginings and nit picking will never be happy.
Feelings are an interpretation of events that happen to you in life; the interpreter is the soul and hence is the root of the feeling. Acknowledging these feelings leads you into contact with your soul and therefore a greater understanding of self.
Feelings and emotions can manifest tension in different areas of your body. For instance, there are sympathetic points in the sternocloidemastoid (the frontal muscle of your neck). When your emotions get backed up and are not dealt with, this muscle can become tight and lead to irritability, headaches and lot more.
Simply by dealing with a feeling, such as standing up for yourself can ease these muscles and save you from pain and suffering. This is just a physical manifestation of feelings, deeper feelings and emotions that are left in the “too hard basket” can lead to lack of focus, motivation, hypertension & depression.
When you become one with your feelings, you merge with yourself and are free to observe and enjoy life in all its glory. It is your feelings that guide you towards the meanings of the questions you are here to answer; they guide you to your niche in life where you are happiest and able to learn the most in the easiest of life’s ways.
For example, it is your feelings and emotions which enable you to identify your greatest love in life — your own identity! Acknowledging them would lead you to take that on as a physical profession, and in doing so you dissolve one of the largest constraints of modern life – work. In doing something you love you’ll never have to work again because every day is play!
Some people get a buzz from accounting, some from skateboarding, others from retail and still others from law. No one knows why or understands someone elses passion but that’s OK because they don’t need to!
It is the feelings and emotions your soul transmits to you that will lead you towards your true identity and the happiest life possible, and living a happy life is what we all dream about, isn’t it?

Common Reasons for Relationship Breakups

When two people come to share a certain bond, there is no assurance that the bond will remain strong until the end of their lives. Relationship breakups arise when one or both parties feel the need to end the relationship they are in. Love comes into your life, but may leave after a certain period of time. People break free from relationships for many different reasons. This article will explore relationship breakups.

Relationship breakups as mentioned above happen for many different reasons. Distrust is one. When you commit yourself to a person, you automatically put your trust in that person. You wouldn’t have committed yourself had you not loved the person from the start. The trust you give a person encompasses faith, love, and security. You trust that your partner will remain faithful to you, and will love you wholeheartedly. But sometimes, out of recklessness, or stupidity; trust is broken by the one person you have willingly given it to. Love dies along with trust. Sometimes, when that trust is broken and love is gone, you don’t want to be in the relationship anymore. This is one common reason for relationship breakups. .

Another reason for relationship breakups is differences. Usually, when you start a relationship with someone, it’s because you have at least one major factor in common with that other person. But sometimes, at a certain point; you or the other person in your relationship will find big differences about you or the other person. Things just aren’t the way they were before and if that commonality isn’t there anymore, the relationship may wither and die. As relationships mature, they become comfortable. And as the saying goes; “comfort often breeds contempt.” Even if contempt isn’t the right word, boredom often sets into a mature relationship.

When you are put in this situation, you find yourself having a difficulty handling your relationship, your differences. And then you or the other person may want out of the relationship because the relationship has lost its excitement. If the relationship doesn’t match your needs or those of your significant other, then that’s usually when the relationship will start to sour.

The ultimate reason for relationship breakups is loss of love. Sometimes, even if things seem to always be right, when love leaves, relationships have to end. It is true that most of the time love is the reason two people got into a relationship in the first place, but it also is the reason why couples drift apart. You may certainly feel so in love with your partner now, and your partner in love with you, but there may come a time, as there have been for others, that love will leave you or them behind. It’s an unfortunate fact, but people fall out of love every day. When love leaves, there is no reason to for you or your partner to stay. It is love that put you together, and most of the time it will be lack of love that will break you apart. .